What You Should Know About Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Dillingham City School District employees and applicants for employment with the Dillingham City School District may contact the Director of Human Resources with concerns about employment rights, including rights protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Before Filing a Discrimination Complaint
Any employee or applicant for employment who believes he/she has experienced unlawful discrimination may file a complaint with the Office of Equity and Compliance or with an external agency.
In order to resolve issues quickly and at the lowest level possible, employees should do the following:
Discuss the concern with his/her immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is the source of the concern, or the employee is uncomfortable discussing the concern with the supervisor, then the employee should;
Discuss the complaint with the Director of Human Resources;
If the department supervisor does not resolve the complaint within five (5) working days, or it is determined upon consultation between the employee and the Director of Human Resources that circumstances prevent using steps (1) or (2), the employee may file a discrimination complaint with the Director of Human Resources.
Employees may contact the Director of Human Resources at anytime during the
process for general information and guidance.
The Complaint Process
Discrimination complaints must be filed within 30 days of the most recent alleged
discriminatory act/behavior. Here is a link to the DCSD Title IX Procedures and Teams.The complainant must complete and return the Complaint Form to the Director of Human Resource.
The complainant must meet with the Director of Human Resources for an intake interview.
The complainant must provide information and/or evidence to substantiate the alleged discrimination or harassment.
Investigations will be completed as promptly as possible but may take up to forty-five
(45) work days.
Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been the subject of unlawful harassment or discrimination should report the incident immediately to the principal or department supervisor. All complaints of harassment or discrimination will be promptly investigated.
Employees and students may also report an incident of harassment or discrimination directly to the Director of Human Resources
Any student or employee who violates these policies will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Legal Requirements
The district shall meet all applicable federal, state and local requirements set out in
the following laws and ordinances:
o Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
o Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
o Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
o Americans with Disabilities Act
o Family and Medical Leave Act
o Rehabilitation Act of 1973
o Age Discrimination in Employment Act
o Equal Pay Act
o Pregnancy Discrimination Act
o Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
o Alaska Human Rights Law, AS 18.8
o McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
What is Title IX?
Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment against
students and employees of educational institutions that receive federal funding, including public school districts. Title IX requires school districts to develop and implement policies and take other actions necessary to promptly, appropriately, and effectively address complaints of sex-based discrimination or sexual harassment in any district program or activity.
Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response
Title IX requires school districts to take the following steps to promptly, appropriately, and
effectively respond to complaints of sexual harassment:
Provide information to students and staff regarding the requirements of Title IX
Adopt complaint investigation procedures
Provide notice of those complaint procedures to students, staff and the public
Establish adequate, reliable and impartial complaint investigation protocols
Provide training to district personnel responsible for investigations
Ensure that adequate interim measures are in place to protect students during the investigation
Notify the complainant and respondent of the outcome of the complaint
Take appropriate actions to address the impacts of substantiated harassment and prevent recurrence
Equitable Opportunities for Participation
A school district can demonstrate compliance with Title IX in one of three ways:
Substantially proportionate athletic opportunities for male and female athletes;
A history and continuing practice of expanding opportunities for the under-represented sex;
Full and effective accommodation of the interests and abilities of the under-represented sex.
Districts are not required to offer identical sports and activities for their male and female students. They are, however, required to provide equitable opportunity for both female and male students to participate in athletics and activities of interest.
Title IX requires equity in supporting female and male athletics and activities in the provision of: coaching staff, game and practice times, medical and training facilities, publicity, recruitment opportunities, travel per diem allowances, equipment, locker rooms, practice and competitive facilities, and tutoring opportunities.
Title IX complaints should be reported immediately to a trusted adult at the school who will report the concern to the school principal or other designated school administrator.
Title IX complaints must be filed within 30 days of the alleged act of sexual harassment or sexbased discrimination.
Lindsay Henry, Director of Human Resources, serves as the District’s Title IX Coordinator. The
investigator at the school will consult with the Title IX Coordinator where necessary in an effort to appropriately investigate and address the complaint.
Title IX, ADA and Section 504 Policies
Consistent with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972,
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act,
the Dillingham City School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex or
disability in any education or employment program, practice, or activity.
Inquiries or Complaints
Forward inquiries or complaints to the Director of Human Resources
Phone: 907-842-6793
Director of Human Resources
Updates as of 10.1.24
The Dillingham City School District will open single-occupancy restrooms no later than the opening of school on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Any student may use a single-occupancy restroom for any reason and without prior authorization from any school staff member. The use of single-occupancy restrooms will continue to follow established school procedures (such as being excused from class, etc.). There are two single-occupancy restrooms in the Middle School / High School and one in the Elementary School available for students. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to your building leadership.