Please be advised, there will be a Regular School Board Meeting on Monday, February 17th at 6p.m., located in the District Office. Please see the attached agenda. A full packet will be available on our website www.dlgsd.org by the end of the day tomorrow.

Hello all:
Please be advised there will be a Special Session tomorrow, February 5, 2025.
Please see the attached agenda.

Dillingham Parent Advisory Committee Vacancy Announcement

Please be advised: There will be a School Board Work Session on Monday, February 3rd, and a Special Meeting will directly follow. Please see the attached agendas. A full packet will be available on our website by Wednesday (the 29th).

Leadership Changes in DLGSD

KDLG is looking to fill four vacancies on our Friends of KDLG Advisory
Committee. This board consists of supporters and community members, who assist
with programming decisions made here at KDLG.
If you are interested in being on the Friends of KDLG advisory board, you must
submit a letter of interest to the Superintendent, Amy Brower at Dillingham City
School District, PO Box 170, Dillingham, AK 99576 or via email
The Friends of KDLG meets quarterly. Letters of interest are due by February 7,

Dillingham Middle/High School is forming a DMHS School Success Team required by the state, which mandates the inclusion of community members, student families, school leaders, and staff throughout the improvement process. If you are interested in participating, please fill out the form below.

Hello friends! Please be advised, there will be a Dillingham City School Board Regular Meeting on January 20th at 6 p.m. in the District Office. Please see the attached agenda.
A full meeting packet will be available by the end of the day on Wednesday, January 15th, and available on our website at : www.dlgsd.org/page/school-board.

Check out the January newsletter, https://secure.smore.com/n/89vhzk

We have several job opportunities here at DCSD!
Please click the link to find the job descriptions, applications and resources for you! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to jhall@dlgsd.org, have a great day!

Here we are, arriving at the last week of school! Below are two important things for you this evening!
1. This week DNN covers wrestling regionals/state, the Christmas program that took place and the fun day at DMHS, don't forget to watch to stay connected!
LINK TO DNN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVNHBN1uN54
2. Calendar Survey for staff, students, community, etc. please share this with everyone so that we can gather feedback and make decisions for the 2025-2026 school year. Please read and review the survey carefully and pick ONE that best supports: teacher retention, cultural relevance and student learning. Complete survey by Tuesday, 12/17 at 3:00 PM.
LINK TO SURVEY: https://forms.gle/96TxsPFdgdgeTKzV6
Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions at communication@dlgsd.org! Thank you so much, have an amazing week!

DES is opening up a Pre-K program, please review the flyer to join.
Go to: https://www.dlgsd.org/page/pre-k-program-information for more information and to sign up!

Please be advised, the Dillingham City School Board will have a Regular Board Meeting on Monday, December 9, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the District Office.
Please see the attached agenda, the full packet will be available on our website on Wednesday, December 4th. www.dlgsd.org/page/school-board

Please see the attached agendas for Monday, December 2nd. There will be a Special Meeting at 5:30, with the Work Session to follow at 6 p.m. in the District Office. Full Meeting Packet will be available on our website on Wednesday, November 27th.

Good morning,
Down below is the link for DNN for this upcoming week, November 25th - December 1st! The next DNN will be released on December 9th, so we will be missing one week.
Please make sure to show DNN to your classes and share with friends and family!
Have a wonderful week!
LINK TO DNN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k806sxGd9ok

Please be advised: The DCSD School Board will hold a Regular Board Meeting on November 18th at 6 p.m. in the District Office.
A full packet will be available on our website - www.dlgsd.org/page/school-board on Wednesday, November 13th.

Lifetouch will be taking family pictures on November 19th. Please see the attached flyer!

DCSD Federal Programs is hosting the UAF Preview Day on Saturday, 11/9/24 from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM! This is a change to virtually explore options and opportunities that await you at UAF! Attendees receive an application fee waiver to any undergraduate program! Email rchaney@dlgsd.org for more details!

Join us to honor our Veterans! Please review flyer for all details.

Please be advised: The School Board Finance Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, November 12 at 5 p.m. in the District Office. Please see the attached agenda. A full packet will be available on our website on November 7th.