Mountains Landscape


Welcome To DCSD Activities

The Activities program at DCSD is a huge part of our district’s culture. The activities program is student centered.

It is our vision to see confident students engaged in activities that will create long lasting habits and help to motivate our students to achieve their life goals.

Our mission is to create a program that is equitable for all of our students and help them gain the confidence and skills they need in order to succeed in life.

Levi Fuller Headshot

Levi Fuller

Activities Director

Levi Fuller Email


AMLJIA Student Medical Info Form

Planet HS Help Form

Approval Of Fund Raising Activity Form
Please use this form to request approval for individual fund raising activities.

Fundraising Activity Information Form

activites calendar

DMHS Calendar 2024/2025

Boys Basketball

Welcome and thank you for stopping by the Wolverine Basketball page. We are all about shaping you into not only the best basketball player you can be, but also the best person you can be. We hope to see you come basketball season.

Get In Touch

Varsity Head Coach: Kenneth Savo
Junior Varsity Head Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
Middle School Primary Coach: Taylor Prestegord
Middle School Coach: Gary Cline

Basketball Parent Presentation

Basketball teamplayers lined up with coaches

Cross Country

Cross Country Running (team) represents a place to belong, a method to push oneself to the limit, and a chance to gain a new perspective on the world. The Natural terrain leads long-distance runners on open-air courses encompassing grit, smiles, shouts, and teamwork! An individual is able to set personal records, gain confidence, and boost their overall well-being, making Cross Country not only its own fantastic stand-alone sport, but it also provides a strong athletic foundation to all sports by melding both mental and physical strength in a positive environment.

Cross Country Paperwork to Turn in
Student Health Review Exam
Slideshow from Parent Meeting

Get In Touch

Head Coach: Nick Schollmeier
Assistant Coach: Laura Jungreis

cross country teamplayers and their coaches

Music Band And Choir

Grades 6-12

DMHS offers a variety of opportunities to become involved in music, notably Band and Choir. Skills you will learn include music reading, mechanics of your instrument or voice, team work, timing, fine motor skills, self-discipline, critical listening and feedback, the ability to perform in public settings, and much more!

No music experience is required for our middle school band and choir. We’ll teach you everything you need to know! All middle school ensembles perform in at least three events each year:

  • Winter Concert

  • Spring Recital

  • Spring Concert

In high school, you’ll take your skills to the next level with cooler, more challenging music and many more additional performances including:

  • Veterans Day Ceremony

  • Pep Band and Drumline

  • Region 1 Music Festival

  • Graduation

  • Alaska All-State Band and Choir Auditions

  • Alaska All-State Solo and Ensemble Competition

Many of our music students are also talented athletes and mathletes, so we work hard to avoid interfering with other activities. Don’t hesitate to come see what we’re all about!

If you have any questions about music at DMHS, please feel free to contact Jade Slater

For music at Dillingham Elementary, please contact Stephanie Clark – Stephanie Clark

band and choir with their instruments

Girls Basketball

Welcome to the DCSD webpage for the Dillingham Lady Wolverine Basketball Team. The DHS Lady Wolverines are committed to pursuing academic excellence, community engagement, sportsmanship, and a respectful representation of our school and community in addition to our goals and ambitions of teamwork, a strong work ethic, and positive attitudes on the basketball court. Head down to the DHS gymnasium mid-winter to catch a home game and watch YOUR Lady Wolverines in action!

Get In Touch

Varsity Head Coach: Jean Barrett
Varsity Assistant Coach: Charlene Evalt
Middle School Primary Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
Middle School Coach: James Hall

Basketball Parent Presentation

girls basketball team with their coaches

Native Youth Olympics

Junior Nyo: Grades 5 & 6 I Senior Nyo: Grades 7-12
For countless generations, survival in Alaska meant people relying on their own strength, skills, wisdom, but mainly being able to work together with a common purpose or goal. Native Youth Olympics is an annual competition transferring a way of life and physical fitness into games. NYO represents our past and truly enhances the youth’s strength, stamina, concentration, academic performance, knowledge, overall health and well-being, while instilling important values. Everyone pulls together for the same purpose, students gain the ability to help one another in competition, their sportsmanship is surreal, and that is value, that is endearing, that is the way it is meant to be.

Get In Touch

NYO Head Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
NYO Asst Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
JNYO Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller

Native Youth Olympics teams with a dillingham school banner

Student Council

The mission of the Dillingham High School Student Government is to convey the opinions of the student body to the school board/administration, organize school events, and promote school sprit. If you join us you will be able to make a difference in our school, learn valuable leadership skills, make new friends and possibly travel to Alaska Association of Student Governments (AASG) conference.

Get In Touch

High School Student Council Advisor: John Montooth
Middle School Student Council Advisor: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller

student council with a banner of the school


The Dillingham Wolverine Volleyball program is committed to excellence in athletics, academics, attitude, and teamwork. Our shared goal is increasing individual improvement as a means to achieve team success. There are many transferable skills learned through sports. Our core beliefs are grounded in the idea that through participation and success in our sport, athletes will become better people on and off the court.

HS Volleyball Forms

Get In Touch

Varsity Head Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
Junior Varsity Head Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller
MS Co-Coaches: Amanda Cox & POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller

volleyball team lined up in the volleyball court


Any information for the season will be posted here or on our Wolverine wrestling camp  Facebook page.

Wrestling Parent Meeting

Get In Touch

Varsity Head Coach: William Savo
Junior Varsity Head Coach: Reed Tennyson
MS Head Coach: Kevin McCambly
MS Assistant Coach: POSITION OPEN, email Levi Fuller

wrestling teamplayers with diplomas